Bio poem.

Today with Whaea Willike we wrote a bio-poem. A bio-poem (Biography poem) is just stuff about you like what you like and where you want to go.Link here.


Afed squad is a site where you learn te reo maori. This site was fun beacuse you got to watch a video of this guy named Mana and how he time travelled to 1356 when he was in 2070. There was thirty questions and whea Rachel said that we had to get 28 out of thirty to move on to the next quest. The guy mana that i was giving us info on the quest that we had to do. Mana was asking us questions on like how to pronouce words and how to say them properly. This site is good for pepole who want to learn how to speak te reo maori because mana is really good at speaking maori.

Ask Questions to Increase Your Understanding

Asking questions makes you learn more because if you get it wrong then the teacher might tell you that you are right or wrong . But if the teacher doesent tell you and you get it wrong then keep listening. Keep listening to the other students that are asking questions then you might find out what the question might be so that is why you have to keep lisetning to the other pepole. Keep on being smart and keep on trying when i dont get something right i keep trying until i get it right.

Mission girl

This week we have been learning about a book called the Mission girl and the author is fleur beale.First we had to do a drawing about what you think the book is about and i think that the book is about mission girl fighting someone and she is a ninja. I don’t think I will get it right but I will have to wait until next week and see if I’m right even if I know I’m 1000000000000000 percent wrong.

Science Week 1

This week we started a sience block with each kiako.My favourite block was with matua travis and his sience was newtons law wich is if you dont know what newtons law it is gravity.In matuas group we got items wich were a black ping pong ball a red cup and thesse octagon looking things that was our items. what we did with our items is you had to put your ping pong ball on your table and put your cup over it and you had to use a way to try and move your cup to another table but your ball has to stay in your cup but you cant hold it you cant squeeze it so the ball stays in the cup so it was very hard. My team which was Oasis Ihia Oliver and me Johno found out a way so the ball can stay in the cup and the way was you had to spin the cup and it will stay in the cup but you had to keep spinnig it otherwise it will just drop out of the cup so it was very challenging for my team. Then matua got a basketball and a ping pong it he asked us a question he said wich ball would drop faster most of the pepole said the basketball would touch the ground first becuase of the weight diffrence and the pingpong ball was light and then when he had dropped the ball they touched the ground at the same tim and that made everyone shocked becuase they all thought that the basketball was going to touch the ground first but all of us were wrong becuase they both touched the ground first. And the reason why i like matuas becuase i always like doing somthing that i havent done and that is why i liked matuas group the most.


I think that softball is a good action station becuase some of the pepole that havent played softball will be good learning for them and they also will know how to play a diffrent game.I didint really learn anything in this action station becuase thesse are all of the basics of the game softball that is why i didint learn anything.I enjoyed it becuase i actually play softball and softball is one of my favourite sports that is why i enjoyed this sport.We found challenging finding that ball that noah threw over the fence and made a dent on the roof that is what we found challenging.My favourite part was playing stuck in the mud and catching the balls to get them out and to stop the ball from going past me.I would choose softball next term becuase it is one of my favourite sports.

Harold life education.

At harold on the 10th of april we were learning about the body and how it works through the day and night.We learnt about the blood and how it flows through your body that was the blood part there is a lot more stuff trust me with that. Second is the skelton and did you know if you dont have a skelton then you would just be a blob sitting on the ground doing nothing.The second part about the skelton is that if you break one bone then that bone that you broke will not even flinch even if you try your hardest that will just make it worst. Now the lungs if we didint have any trees or plants or anything that gives you oxegyn then it will be like your going on to mars becuase you will not be able to breath. and lastly your basic needs are like water,oxegyn,love,food,washing,shelter thoose are your basic needs so if you dont have basic needs then you wont have a very great life and body.

Action station

last week we started a action station with a lot of fun stuff and games like basketball softball kia rahi and more.For my pick i chose softball my favourite part about it was the game that we played to learn our throwing and our base running.

something i didint like was when i was in the batting group and i didint get to have a bat and i had to go to the passing and catching drill.

something i learnt was bigger space when i am running to the base.something that i didint understand was nothing but at the start of the game i didint know how to play it.

Beach ed

Kia ora ko Johno toku ingoa


On Tuesday the 20th the yr 6,7,8 went to north Brighton beach to learn some beach safety.

My favourite part was when we went to play a game. If you were a nonswimmer playing a game called up buddies it is when the lifeguard says a word and you have to go under switch run and up which means you go up on your buddy’s back.My least favourite part was when you had to run and dive for the stick in the sand because it hurt my stomach.

Mahi this week

Feb 16, 2024

.This week I have learnt how to write persuasive writing. 

I really enjoyed the part where you write persuasive writing.

I did not understand the part where you had to do the arguments when i first started

I think this will help me get better at Writing stuff to my teachers